I highly recommend his books (www.wiley.com) about technology, which like Herman Melville's tomes, give me the minutia of a subject at the same time as they delve into the blubber. For more of his wit and wisdom, do visit his "Colossal Waste of Bandwidth" at www.andyi.com.
Andy's caption to "Not the Press Badge":
While explaining a recurring phenomenon, I came up with the idea for a special "Not The Press" badge for me to wear when I'm out shooting an event with the Big-Ass SLR.
Made with FD's Flickr Toys.
Made with FD's Flickr Toys.
... about which the ever-observant Jim Heid noted ...
jimheid says:Ha! And always with the Clairefontaine notebook. That alone gives away that you aren't a photog. They use, like, Mead or something. |